Tillage Tools
Soil - Farmer's most valuable asset
Kverneland CLI
Short-mounted single beam subsoiler for long-term soil management
Kverneland CLG II
Subsoiling in tough conditionsRobust tines, flexible set up2 – 13 tine...
Kverneland CLG III
Subsoiling in tough conditionsTines for a crumbling effect, flexible s...
Kverneland DTX
One-pass stubble incorporator and soil loosener for 200-350hp
Disc harrows
Kverneland Qualidisc Farmer_01
Rigid compact disc, Farmer edition in working width from 2.0m to 4.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc Farmer_01F
Folding compact disc, Farmer edition in working width 4.0m to 6.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc Farmer_01T
Trailed compact disc, Farmer edition in working width 4.0m to 6.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc Pro_01
Rigid compact disc, Pro-edition, in working width from 2.0m to 4.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc Pro_01F
Folding compact disc, Pro-edition, in working width 4.0m to 6.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc Pro_01T
Trailed compact disc, Pro-edition, in working width from 4.0m to 6.0m
Kverneland Qualidisc 21000 T
Trailed compact disc in large working width of 12.25m
Universal cultivators
Kverneland Turbo
Rigid universal cultivator in working width of 3.0m and 3.5m
Kverneland Turbo F
Folding universal cultivator in working width of 4.0m to 6.0m
Kverneland Turbo 1100 T
Trailed universal cultivator in working width of 6.5m and 8.0m
Stubble cultivators
Kverneland Enduro / Enduro Pro
Rigid stubble cultivator in working width of 3.0m, 3.5m and 4.0m
Kverneland Enduro F / Enduro Pro F
Folding stubble cultivator in working width of 4.0m and 5.0m
Kverneland Enduro T / Enduro Pro T
Trailed stubble cultivator in working width of 4.0m and 5.0m
Kverneland CTC
Heavy-duty trailed cultivator in working width of 4.0m, 5.0m and 6.0m
Kverneland Kultistrip
Rigid striptiller in working width of 3.0m, 4.5m and 6.0m
Kverneland Kultistrip F
Folding striptiller in working width of 4.5m and 6.0m
Seedbed cultivators
Kverneland TLD
Seedbed cultivator, mounted fold in working width of 5.1m to 8.1m
Kverneland TLG
Seedbed cultivator, mounted fold in working width of 4.0m to 6.0m
Power harrows
M series
Rigid power harrow, in working width from 2.5m to 3.0m, up to 140HP
H series
Rigid power harrow, in working width from 3.0m to 4.0m, up to 180HP
S series
Rigid power harrow, in working width from 3.0m to 4.5m up to 250HP
Rotago F
Folding power harrow, in working width from 4.0m to 6.0m, up to 360HP
Kverneland Actiroll
Trailed roller for soil compaction and levelling, from 4.50m to 9.50m
Kverneland Actiroll HD
Heavy-duty trailed roller from 10.30m to 24.30m working width