Tine Seeders

The cost-efficient alternative



You invest in the best equipment for seeding your crop. In return, you want the best results and low cost of operation. Our seeders are developed with the lowest weight possible. Less pulling force needed means saving on fuel costs.






Soil structure is not the same on every field, nor are working conditions. So you often have to adjust your seeder. That’s why we have developed seeders that can be adjusted easily, mainly from the tractor cab.






Especially in extreme conditions, for example, humid soil or high straw residues, the advantages of the ts-drill become evident. In a single pass, the auto-reset tines take care of tilling and seeding which in turn reduces soil compaction whilst saving fuel and time.






When the time is right, you want to seed immediately. Tomorrow conditions may be worse, so speed is important. You need a machine that has the right equipment and capacity to finish the job in time. To give your crop a headstart.

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Tine seeder - the cost efficient alternative in 5.0m and 6.0m