The new variant Optima V 6 +1 offers an extra in flexibility since the machine can be either operated with 6 or 7 rows. With the Optima V 6 +1 the farmer can, for example, seed soya beans with 7 rows at a row width of 60cm; when changing to maize seeding the farmer can telescope the frame and lift up the middle row hydraulically. Now the Optima V is ready to seed maize with 6 rows at 75 or 80cm – fitting perfectly to the needs of harversters’ headers.
The Optima V is the perfect combination of the reliable and well-known Optima seeding row technology and a solid and flexible frame design. The new headstock is made out of round tubes which have perfect characteristics in reference to strength and weight.
The 4 rows in the middle of the machine are mounted on moveable brackets which can be moved easily and maintenance-free on the solid 180mm square tube. The outer rows are mounted on the hydraulic telescoping frame parts.
The fertilizer hopper with a volume of more than 1.000l is fixed directly onto the headstock. Therefore, the centre of gravity is as close to the tractor as possible reducing the lifting requirements drastically.
The new vacuum channel ensures a constant vacuum thus optimising the quality of seeding and distribution of fertilizer, preventing any blockages of the fertilizer tubes.
21. December 2015