Wheel axle

Turning radius
The single central frame, in combination with the special shaped parallelogram arms, create room for high tyres and allow a maximum steering angle. This ensures maximum steering possibilities with a tight turning radius, even on 1.50m track. 

Watch here the video about the turning radius. Be aware of the following features and benefits:

  • Track width 1.50 – 2.25m (1.80 - 2.25m in combination with 5300l tank capacity on iXtrack T4)
  • Track width in steps of 5 centimetre
  • Space for 1.90m high tyres (2.04m in combination with 5300l tank capacity on iXtrack T4)
  • Turning radius: 4.15m for iXtrack T3 and 5.25m for iXtrack T4
  • 32 degree steering angle
  • Track following
  • Turning mudguards